Master Chef Q & A

MC Victor Gielisse: One of my favorite cooking techniques that has become somewhat diluted today but is perhaps one of the most challenging is the shallow poach technique!
MC Thomas Griffiths: I love healthy cooking so my favorite cooking technique is creating delicious recipes which are better for our health. I guess a few examples of ‘stealth health’ would be to use puree, cooked vegetables to thicken a sauce rather than fat and flour or to make a traditional meatball with a percent of roasted vegetables and applesauce for moisture. I use healthy cooking techniques while cooking at home. I’m also a garde manger lover and making forcemeats is extremely enjoyable for me. I guess it’s because there is an artistry component to garde manger and I am a very creative, innovative person.
MC Dan Hugelier: Favorite cooking technique, Poêle. Click here to read more on Poêle.
MC Andre Sayes: Pan roasting and basting. It’s an excellent way to develop flavor through caramelization and basting with brown butter, herbs, garlic, and other aromatics. This technique is extremely versatile and applies to fish, poultry, beef, lamb, pork, vegetable, anything you can get into the pan.
MC Fritz Sonnenschmidt: Sauteing and emulsions. Reason: sauteing is simple but needs all of your attention. Emulsions have a life of their own and each one has to be treated differently.
MC Joe Leonardi: Favorite cooking technique would be pan searing. Being able to caramelize and develop flavor in a pan…. Basting a product with brown butter and herbs.
MC Robert Mancuso: Braising as it develops such depth and concentration in most dishes.