Master Chef Q & A- What resources you would recommend for the Exam?

MC Ferdinand Metz: Talk to people who took the exam, both who were or were not successful
MC Michael Robins: A personal trainer!
MC Kevin Gawronski: Attend as many CMC tests as you can and use other CMC’s as resources to assist you in planning your practices. Compete as often as you can for experience, time development, and feedback.
MC Dan Hugelier: There is a misconception that Master Chefs are infallible, or they know all the answers. Actually, the opposite is true. We are students too. I would recommend studying who are the best chefs in the world today. What makes them great, what technical advances are available to you today that were not when I took the test in 1988.
MC Helmut Holzer: Reach out to successful CMC ask and you shall receive!
MC James Corwell: Get an unabridged Le Guide Culinaire. It’s eye-opening and so useful!
Mc Joe Leonardi: Get yourself a mentor to help you go through the exam. We are here for your support.
MC Rob Mancuso: Connect with Chefs who are engaged in taking the exam and reach out to Chefs that have succeeded.
MC Thomas Griffiths: Study the classic books, work in the best kitchens, magazines/tv for
contemporary plating and networking with experts.