Recap of AMCO’s Mastermind Summit 2023 at the MIK

Thank you MC’s, spouses and sponsors from a phenomenal few days.
Some Heartfelt Thank You’s From the Summit:
“On behalf of Fork Farms, Alex and myself, thank you to the entire AMCO team for an incredible 2-days. What an amazing experience you have created and are contributing to people across the world. Your vision is awe inspiring. From the moment we met the Master Chef’s to the unbelievable day cooking with MC’s at Middleby Innovation Kitchen, it offered us a glimpse into what it means to be unforgettable. We were proud to sponsor and be part of such a forward thinking organization.

It is our hope that Fork Farms and AMCO will together formulate ideas to create lasting impact for future generations. We look forward to our continued conversations.”
- Steve & Alex, Fork Farms
“I wanted to send a short note letting you know what I felt that last few days.
For me, I was just meeting everyone for the first time, like you. We have spoken many times, but I can finally put a face with a name. In any business, face to face meetings mean more than any phone conversation or email. You can physically see a reaction or expression when standing in front of a person.

I got a genuine good feeling when talking to the MC’s about Corby Hall. They were interested, and some were blown away from the products quality. Much like I was working with them in their environment, the kitchen. I learned so much and asked a ton of question which Master Chef Gawronski was a saint. Jimmy and I had the best time working with him. We really got to know him and his lovely wife Robin.

Every Master Chef that came up to us, showed enthusiasm, respect and some sort of interest in some of our products. This was extremely reassuring for me, because honestly, these Chef’s already have their own connections with manufacturers that they have used for many years. I understand that, so I never push the envelope and just show them what we have. The MC’s were interested and wanted to learn more which I respected. Most of the MC’s don’t know who we are but after one day with them and getting product in their hands, that changed. That’s the biggest hurdle we face but when we get the product in the hands, my job is done essentially. The product speaks for itself.

For Corby Hall, yesterday was a big step in the right direction in solidifying a long-lasting relationship with AMCO and all the Master Chef’s.
The award you gave us last night was very unexpected, but truly appreciated. It shows that AMCO cares for its sponsors and wants to make them feel at home within the organization.”
- Wade Peterson, Corby Hall
“Thank you for the opportunity to have invited Steve and me to this wonderful Summit – an opportunity to connect with so many and learn more about AMCO’s vision and mission.”
- Denise M. Zanchelli, David Meyers Associates