Our New Website

Hello and Welcome from the American Master Chefs’ Order
The term and title, “Master Chef” at least in the United States, is used loosely by Marketers and individuals alike to promote any number of self-interest endeavors. Consequently, unlike the rest of the world who may require a certification or license to use such designation, the US does not and so is misunderstood by the general population.
So who are the real Master Chefs? This site is dedicated to the few Chefs who have, over the past years and decades, dared to push themselves both mentally and physically to their cooking limits by stepping into the gauntlet known as the American Certified Master Chef’s Exam as constituted by the American Culinary Federation Educational Institute.
The few that have been successful in obtaining this certification level are a very close fraternity with many things in common. We have a deep understanding, affection and respect for our craft. We invite all to follow us as we strive through food to lift the social fabricate of the world one Certified Master Chef at a time.
As you would expect, our places of labor represent many of the top properties, venues and businesses that make up the channels of our very broad industry.
As an Order, we strive to stay connected both through this site and annual events. These are our stories, gathered to serve as a history, to inspire as well as an offer of mentorship to any and all who desire to follow in our footsteps.
While all websites are a creative work in progress, we believe that by bringing you the latest about the American Master Chef’s Order, we will be able to share our world class branded fraternity. In these pages you will meet both the tenured, the retired as well as the newly certified. You will find news about our partners, our annual summits, information on certification, and profiles of our members.